•  Example Postcard Obtain the clearest copy or scan possible.
  • Make sure the complete text appears on the copy/scan. (Sometimes, text is “lost” around the edges during the copying process.)
  • Copy or scan complete pages when possible, especially when submitting handwritten materials. A larger handwriting sample is often useful for deciphering unique handwriting styles.
  • When copying entries from church registers, always include the column headings.
  • Provide place-names and/or surnames associated with documents submitted, when known.
  • Photocopies may be submitted by U.S. Mail to the address provided above; scans may be sent directly to: When submitting photocopies by mail, please include an e-mail address (if available) in order to expedite receipt of your free estimate.
  • Copies of your documents are required, before I can provide an accurate estimate. Cost calculations are based on a variety of factors, e.g. length, language, legibility, subject matter, etc., and thus it is simply impossible to provide an accurate estimate without examining the specific document(s) to be translated.


  • By U.S. Mail:  personal checks or money orders.
  • Online:  PayPal.


 Photo of ancient columns
  • Completed translations will be returned to the client as Microsoft® Word documents attached to e-mail, when possible. Otherwise, hard copies will be sent by U.S. Mail. Those receiving translations by e-mail can also request hard copies at no additional charge.
  • Small projects can generally be completed within a day or two of receipt, larger ones within a week or two. If you have a critical deadline, please let me know when you submit your document(s), and every effort will be made to comply.